Saturday, September 11, 2010

Peasant Princess

Growing up in a loving Christian home and going to church helped formed who I am today. I am truly blessed to be born into such a selfless and nurturing household. Sometimes I wonder why I was so blessed.

With that said, there comes a time when you leave the nest, that you must decide if you are going to take on that faith and make it your own. You are on your own and the decisions you make are life-altering and will shape your future.

I knew the rules, teachings, and lifestyle of a Christian faith. But it wasn't until I heard some hard-hitting sermons and dug deep into the bible during college that I understood why living by faith mattered. I'm still learning.

I first heard the most influential sermons when I went to The Rock church in San Diego, led by pastor Miles McPherson. At the end of every church service, I was left me on the edge of my seat. This ancient scripture could be applied now in the 21st century just as much as it did back then. God always meant it to be timeless. I knew more than ever the benefits of living a God-fearing and obedient life.

When I never thought I could be challenged by another pastor more than Miles, I started going to Mars Hill Church in Seattle. It was a little more dark than what I was use to. The music was harder and the pastor was a little more serious, complimented by a dry sense of humor. I wasn't sure how I would adapt to this new way of teaching at first but I learned to embrace and love it. Like The Rock, we were digging deep and looking at how scripture applied to life now.

The first sermon series I heard from pastor Mark Driscoll was the Peasant Princess series out of the Songs of Solomon (also knows as Songs of Songs) in the Old Testament. I was blown away by the topics that were discussed. Subjects like sex, love and relationships that were usually a taboo in most churches were now talked about on an exposing level. There was never a topic that was too hush hush for this congregation...we were going there.
It was genuine and real. Why should we not be talking about this? So many churches are probably hesitant to touch these topics but these issues are real and dealt with daily. They are matters that most people don't want to face and in all honesty might have the most sin in. Therefore most people are in denial and want to push these things under the rug. I'm guilty of it. And maybe some of us follow certain rules of the Bible but don't know or forget why.

Every time I left church after hearing from the Peasant Princess Series, I was challenged and deeply moved. I was on fire for God. God created sex, love and relationships. Why wouldn't He want us to talk about it and enjoy it? The world can take these gifts and make them shackles and cause us pain and shame. Scripture tells us how to have those gifts and embrace them in the most joyful and amazing way possible. They are blessings not burdens. This group of teachings helped me understand how I could enjoy these gifts to the fullest.

I want to share with you the link to the series. You will literally be on the edge of your seat ready for more. Whether married, dating or single, you will enjoy every teaching. If you are ready to be challenged and want your world to be rocked... start from part one, get ready and listen!

1 comment:

  1. While the name "Peasant Princess" is new to me (perhaps coined by Mark Driscoll?), this topic as taught in Psalms is one of the many, many examples which have helped to show me why the bible is truly God's handbook for us and how we should live.
