Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy Anniversay Mile 1,234!!

Wow, it's been a year since we started this blogging adventure. I'll never forget the night we sat on Amy's couch in her new apartment, brainstorming blog names and writing our first post. How much has gone by in a year!

I remember when we first came up with the idea with the intentions to write about life's path as independent, young professionals. This all included but were not limited to: helpful tips, favorite things, lessons learned, revelations, and inspirations that came forth or got us through this challenging yet exciting time.

For me it started with 1,234 miles away from home and ended up doubling as I moved from rainy Seattle to big sky Bozeman and now to my next stop, unknown Eugene! Just like the miles doubled, so did the lessons learned and the realization of how much more I have ahead of me. This past year taught me patience, humility and perseverance.

For two busy working women, I think we've done a decent job documenting some of our thoughts the past year. I'm glad we stayed committed to this idea and I think it's only going to get even better from here.

Thanks to all our readers who listened and kept us writing.


  1. Yes, you have! And I for one have really enjoyed it. Keep it going in Eugene!

  2. You both have done an incredibly awesome job of writing. Such a creative way to document this special time in your lives. You will never be sorry you made this commitment.
    The very best new beginning to you, in Eugene!!!

  3. Thanks you guys!! Now you have a second reason to come to Oregon! :)

  4. What a Sweet Anniversary Blog! Sorry I failed to do post #49 in time. Love you. Love this. Love what our future holds.
