Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pensive Reflection

Remember the wonders He has done, His miracles, and the judgments He pronounced. 1 Chronicles 16:12

Last night presented me with an evening of reflection. A series of questions were posed, forcing me to give consideration to 2010 as a whole. Regrettably, I failed to keep a consistent journal this year. This means I didn’t allow documentation of the blessings, trials, concerns and prayers that each and every day undoubtedly held. Bummer.

Nonetheless, I’m thankful I had the opportunity to ponder the happenings of the year at a glance. When asked to sum of the year in it’s entirety… renewal. How about a hope for 2011? It seems fitting I plan a way to give of myself more given the restoration I experienced. God is so good.

Do you desire a time of reflection before we embark on the new calendar year? Simple, yes, but thoughtfully approached, these questions let me take a deep breath and anticipate what the next 365 days will present.

What was a highlight event for you in 2010?

Summarize your 2010 in one word.

In what way have you grown the most in the past year?

What was the most significant answer to prayer (whether the answer was yes or no) you received from God this year?

What was the most difficult trial you experienced this year?

In one sentence, what do you hope for the year 2011?

Thursday, December 23, 2010


My co-author referred to, “ the widely-anticipated pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks” in a previous entry. Although I have a different latte preference, there are quite a few seasonal favorites I’ve been savoring on regular basis.

My first indulgence has temporarily replaced my hearty daily breakfast. This fall, I could hardly wait to open my first can of pumpkin puree and the first thing I did was scoop a heaping spoonful into my morning bowl of oats. I added in my usual cinnamon, ground flaxseed and walnuts and created a new habit. For an even sweeter concoction, I add in fresh slices of banana and a few drops of honey.

As a side note, ever since I’ve added pumpkin into my daily diet, I’ve gotten an unusual amount of comments about my hair being unusually shiny. I’m giving the pumpkin all the credit because I haven’t changed anything else about my diet (other than more sweets and calories in general) nor switched any hair products.

Continuing the pumpkin talk, a couple months ago I ventured to Julian, CA and purchased a jar of homemade pumpkin butter. I was instantly attached. Spread it on top of crunchy peanut or almond butter… heaven! (As shown in the picture, you can buy Trader Joe’s pumpkin butter, which is comparable.)

Even if you’re just an acquaintance of mine, you know what a chocoholic I am; specifically, dark chocolate. The holiday season brings Dove Peppermint Bark Dark Chocolate Promises, which brings a giant smile to my face. There is a layer of creamy white chocolate sprinkled with crunchy peppermint candy atop silky smooth dark chocolate. In case the decadent treat doesn’t just absolutely do it for you, Martha Stewart was kind enough to partner with Dove to offer us her very own holiday tips in place of the usual promises inside the wrappers. How sweet of her.

During the colder months, I get into a nightly tea routine to help warm up. This year, my favorite flavor is Cinnamon Apple Spice by Celestial Seasonings. It’s slightly sweet with a spicy kick and doesn’t need any sweetener. Yum!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

'Tis the season to dress up!

Holiday season 2010 is a great time to love fashion. Ok, I'm going to get a little girly for a minute.

I haven't really written many blogs about my favorite latest trends. Living on a strict budget, I've been avoiding the stores hence any temptation for that matter. If I am shopping it's usually for the essentials.

But from the little purchases and the window shopping I've done, I can say so far I've loved these last couple years in the world of fashion. The classic and timeless looks have caught my eye and seem to return in new various ways due to the style's flattering fits. These may consist of a modernized version of many 1950-60's, Jackie Kennedy looks if you will.

I can't help but to stare in awe at some of these holiday fashions, like a little girl gazing at the bright lights in a Christmas Disneyland Parade.

This season it's hard not to love the sequin and glittery fitted dresses, the golds, silvers, reds and royal blues. The classic fashions mixed with bright sparkly colors make me feel like I'm playing dress-up all over again.

These are a few of my favorite things...

OPI's Burlesque Holiday Collection

Bright Pink and Red Luscious Lips

Sparkles, Lace and More Shine...

(stephen russell jewelry, urban outfitters & urban outfitters)

Monday, December 6, 2010

A little note about love . . . authentic love.

I posted this on Facebook about a year ago. I thought I'd revisit it because I believe it's a great reminder, especially during the holiday season when we probably think about our loved ones the most--

It's from the same author that wrote The Five Love Languages. I really enjoyed this excerpt. Something to think about for every relationship.

"The Meaning of Authentic Love" from Gary Chapman's book Love as a Way of Life --

The meaning of the word love is often confusing because the word is used in so many different ways. Every day we hear people say things like, "I love the beach. I love the mountains. I love my mother." On a romantic evening they will say, "I love you." People even talk about "falling in love." Imagine that! I sometimes want to ask, "How far do you fall, and what does it feel like when you hit the ground?"

Love is not an emotion that comes over us or an elusive goal dependent on the actions of others. Authentic love is something within our capabilities, originating in our attitudes and culminating in our actions. If we think of love as a feeling, we shall be frustrated when we can't always work up that feeling. When we realize love is primarily an action, we are ready to use the tools we have to love better.

Authentic love brings out our authentic selves, the people we want to become.