Sunday, December 12, 2010

'Tis the season to dress up!

Holiday season 2010 is a great time to love fashion. Ok, I'm going to get a little girly for a minute.

I haven't really written many blogs about my favorite latest trends. Living on a strict budget, I've been avoiding the stores hence any temptation for that matter. If I am shopping it's usually for the essentials.

But from the little purchases and the window shopping I've done, I can say so far I've loved these last couple years in the world of fashion. The classic and timeless looks have caught my eye and seem to return in new various ways due to the style's flattering fits. These may consist of a modernized version of many 1950-60's, Jackie Kennedy looks if you will.

I can't help but to stare in awe at some of these holiday fashions, like a little girl gazing at the bright lights in a Christmas Disneyland Parade.

This season it's hard not to love the sequin and glittery fitted dresses, the golds, silvers, reds and royal blues. The classic fashions mixed with bright sparkly colors make me feel like I'm playing dress-up all over again.

These are a few of my favorite things...

OPI's Burlesque Holiday Collection

Bright Pink and Red Luscious Lips

Sparkles, Lace and More Shine...

(stephen russell jewelry, urban outfitters & urban outfitters)

1 comment:

  1. I love that I adore all your favorite new things.

    Maybe it will be just as easy as we suspect to pick out bridesmaid dresses one day.
