Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pet Therapy

Starting fresh and moving to a new city can be full of excitement and new discoveries, but there are also times of feeling lonely. My roommate and I are usually on different schedules and so there were many points when the house would feel cold and empty during the times she was gone. Every little noise around the house at night would make me nervous. Even though there was always endless tasks to do around the house, the quietness of being by myself would be difficult at times.

My roommate and I talked about getting kittens before we moved into our apartment but never acted upon it until her birthday a year after we moved. I would have never imagined the effect having pets in the house can have on a person. Even though baby animals can be hell raisers at times, I realized those lonely hours were now lively and warm. God blessed with me with kittens that love to snuggle and be close to me constantly. While at times it can be hard work having pets, especially two rambunctious kittens, it can also add much love to a home.

Having a pet around can be good for the body and spirit. It has been studied that pets have been related to physical benefits such as lowering blood pressure, lowering cholesterol, and increasing exercise and activity. The simple act of petting an animal can be therapeutic and help with hypertension. According to Discovery Health, older people increase in alertness when caring for animals.

There are many emotional benefits that I never realized existed. Owning a pet can help decrease anxiety and depression. The entertaining creatures make us laugh and relax which in turn relieves stress. A pet can increase the release of endorphins and other hormones tied to pleasure receptors in the brain. They are great companions for when people are ill or dealing with grief. Pets are one of the best friends a person can have, filled with unconditional love.

There are probably several more benefits than I could name. Whenever I'm home alone for a night it's nice to have my buddies around to hang out with and keep me from worrying over every little noise. Hearing them breathe or stir around in the middle of the night helps with the eerie silence. I highly recommend for other post graduates like myself out there dealing with living on your own that you invest in a pet. If you are out of the house frequently I would recommend taking care of two pets. We have two kittens in our apartment that have become best comrades. I don't feel guilty being out of the house or out overnight because they have each other. Also, if you have heard infamous Tarzan and Jane stories, you know pets can be quite the conversation piece as well!

1 comment:

  1. This is probably why I've been so depressed lately.... Amy took my dog.....
